
Long term rentals now available

Long term rentals in Andalucia Spain

Long term rentals now available

The last six months have instigated changes for everyone and every business. No one has been unaffected. Whilst some things have, literally, come to a standstill other aspects of life are moving in different directions. Some of us have had  time to reflect and have changed what we eat, to the way we live or exercise. For some, it has meant fewer choices and genuine hardship, but for those that are fortunate enough, they can adapt more quickly. As a result, we are seeing an increase in requests for long term rentals. This is now becoming a serious consideration for some, as they change their working habits - and if you can work from home in London, Birmingham or Edinburgh - why not work from home in Spain? We at Real Ronda are aware of this shift and are actively seeking possibilitites for people. If you have been thinking along these lines also, then get in touch and we will see what we can find that would be suitable.